The resurgive are very important natural habitats and important water resources. This last aspect has led to the widespread use by man of these resurgent through artificiality of the same, transformed into so-called "resurgive". It is excavations practiced until reaching the water table, from which departs a branch, initially restricted, which is followed by a channel emissary. The excavation area, where there are the resurgive, is the "head", the next portion is called the "auction" of the fountain. The resurgive are of particular environmental value, for the particularity of microenvironments that are found. In fact they are home for vegetation and faunal elements belonging to both communities of groundwater, and to those of lentic waters, with elements related to running waters. In the areas surrounding the resurgence is a wetland that gradually fades in stable environmental types. Unfortunately, they are an extremely fragile and threatened, but important and dedicated to types of crops, as said Dr. Daniele Benfatti, naturalist. Several studies have shown a surprising presence of wildlife, both qualitative and quantitative, which confirms the importance ecological-environmental. The remarkable beauty of these small-geotypes habitats become, in addition to scientific importance, a decisive element for the maintenance of biodiversity, especially considering the general poverty of environmental lowland territories. The conservation of ecosystems coincident with the resurgive depends on the maintenance of the balance of the hydrogeological system placed upstream is one of the commitments of the land authorities, such as Agro Veronese Tartarus Tione, which is present in the area of rice fields, and verification in the operational program of the same. In recent years, for the gradual imbalance in the water budget and the many interventions on the territory, in different parts of the Po Valley there was a considerable decrease of the flow or even a complete extinction of resurgive. Moreover, they are often subject to contamination both of punctual type, both of the diffuse type due to the percolation of pollutants and nutrients from the surrounding agricultural areas. At this overlaps the often not adequate maintenance of the sites, that at times is carried out in an excessively "energetic", with total elimination of the natural vegetation, sometimes proves instead d deficit, and not able to counteract the natural process of silting . It should be emphasized that due to their high sensitivity, these habitats - they interact balances hydrogeological, biological and human - represent significant points where analyzes and environmental monitoring; in other words, the resurgive are good indicators of the state of "health" of the groundwater and, more generally, of ecosystems related to them. Taking into account the fact that these areas are of high natural value and equally remarkable hydrological vulnerability, it seems urgent to provide for them a census (that individuals also state morphological and qualitative), also useful in monitoring plans.

It should be noted that currently there are some sporadic initiatives promoted by the Consortium for the Protection of Vialone Nano Veronese, to preserve and enhance environmentally and educationally individual resurgive. Evaluation boards quality of the natural environment, the use of tabs detection campaign for several years rather widespread in naturalistic field. This satisfies the need - increasingly felt as indicated by the Councillor for Agriculture Luigi Frigotto - have rapid and standardized methods of collection and storage of environmental data. In fact, the need for valid knowledge tools driven by the increasing environmental degradation and the concomitant need to put in place appropriate policies to prevent, control and correction, recommends the use of methods of investigation at the same time reliable and fast. Conclusions and prospects for deepening the need to analyze and evaluate these biotopes / geotopes, in order to correct design of environmental restoration leads to a special research aimed at the design of a multi-disciplinary evaluation board: the board IFR (Index Functionality Risorgiva). The board, through a series of parameters, selected according to the criteria usually used in the selection of environmental indicators, leads to a brief analysis of the state of resurgence and the assignment of a score (IFR), closely related to the overall status of the resurgence same, allowing to correctly address the design of interventions to protect and enhance. The analysis already been tested in the context of a work on the resurgence of the Province of Verona, which has proven effective against objectives, and can be an example for other territories. The verification of the applicability in other areas resurgence is instead still be analyzed and is currently in the project.

Roberta Martin